
April’s Camp NaNoWriMo Update

Today I’ll be sharing my updates for April’s Camp NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)! Are you guy’s participating in Camp NaNoWriMo?😄

by Kosi U.

Hello everybody, I hope you guys are having an amazing day so far!😄💖

Today’s post will be an update for my Camp NaNoWriMo Project! If you don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it is a non-profit organization that promotes creative writing. It is most know for its creative writing event in November, in which participants try to write 50,000 words of a novel. There are also events in April and July called Camp NaNoWriMo, where you can choose your own goal and start, finish, publish, or edit a project!

This is my first year participating in any NaNoWriMo event, and I wanted to take it easy so I set my goal at 4,500 words by the end of April. I know that may seem really small to some, but, like I said, this is my first time doing this type of event and the first year that I am taking my writing very seriously, and I did not want to put too much pressure on myself.

I am working on a short story that is a young adult genre titled, ‘I Write My Own Story.’

Here is the synopsis, if you would like to know more about it: Sixteen-year-old Adalynn wants nothing more to become a blogger, and, one day, a published author. But, her strict parents oppose her dreams, by saying that writing will never lead her anywhere. After finding some courage, Adalynn starts a blog and publishes her work under a pen name. This works for a couple of months until someone finds out who she really is and threatens to reveal her identity to the public. Adalynn then must choose if she will shut everything down, or stay true to herself and let people know the real her.

Let me know what you guys think!

Second Update: I drafted this post earlier today and I just reached my goal! Now, my short story is not completed yet, but I am really glad I was able to reach my writing goal for the month! Since I have so much time left in the month of April, I will work on completing this project and then starting another one. This time, I may possibly set the goal higher for 10,000 words. Who knows?!

Because I reached my goal, I was awarded this certificate. I will put the picture down below!

One thing that I really like about Camp NaNoWriMo, is that I am learning how to pace myself, writing-wise. Before, I would write for a couple weeks, then I wouldn’t pick up that story for a number of months after the initial start. While that is technically okay because we all like writing at different times, I wanted to make writing more of a daily habit. That was one of my resolutions for this year. Every day, I try to write for at least 45 minutes, sometimes even more if I am really in the writing zone.

Another one of my favorite things about NaNoWriMo is the potential of starting writing groups, joining them, and having buddies.

Just in the last few days of me creating an account, I’ve already joined 3 writing groups and made some friends on the platform! It has been so cool to hear about everybody’s different projects and to see people’s preferred writing genres and styles.

A different writing goal on my list for this year is to read and write outside of my comforts zone. I am always either reading or writing about Young Adult novels and I want to push myself to dabble in other genres, especially fantasy and mystery. By learning more about other people’s stories, it gives me more ideas about projects I can potentially create and how I would go about doing it.

Also, being able to give and receive feedback on various writing projects is also really helpful and helps me on my writing journey.

Overall, this month so far has been really great, and I can’t wait to see what comes next!

(A bonus is that this is also birthday month!🥳)

If you guys are participating in Camp NaNoWriMo or working on a separate writing project of your own, what is your writing goal and what type of projects are you working on?

Thank you for reading!🥰😊💖📝📚



We Only Have One Earth

In this post, I will be talking about the issues that climate change brings and what we need to do to help the earth before it’s too late.

By: Kosi U.

Our Earth is filled with many beautiful and natural wonders.  We see stunning pictures of landscapes and astonishing mountains all around the internet, but these pictures also serve as a warning sign. Over time, we begin to see a decrease in ice caps and bodies of water, along with an increase of more storms and droughts. Sadly, if we don’t act fast, these incredible places could be changed forever. This is all because of human-caused climate change. 

Imagine you are a polar bear looking for a day’s worth of food. Usually, you would be on the ice that coats the sea to hunt for seals and catch them when they come up for air to breathe, but the ice on the sea has begun to melt faster and re-form later than normal. Without the ice to stabilize you above the water, you have to search for less nourishing food. This problem doesn’t just affect polar bears, it affects every other animal and human too. 

One thing to mention is that climate change doesn’t only affect the temperature either. When water gets warmer, it can change the pattern of ocean currents which affects global weather patterns. This causes some places to get more rainfall which causes flooding, while other places don’t get enough water which leads to drought. We can see this play out in the California wildfires and all of the hurricanes. Because of all of these uncertain weather patterns, many animals are forced to find other habitats since their current home does not suit their needs anymore. If they do not find a new place to live quickly, they may die. If this happened, it could affect the whole ecosystem which in return, comes back to have an impact on humans. All of the storms and droughts are killing and displacing many humans too. Additionally, disease-carrying mosquitoes love hot and sticky places. This makes people more vulnerable to getting diseases, such as malaria. Unfortunately, things will only get worse if we continue to ignore these issues. Scientists predict that the climate will warm another .5 degrees Fahrenheit to 8.6 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100. This is why we must act now before it’s too late. 

  • Reduce the amount of trash you create and try to reuse as many items as possible. 
  • Unplug any electronics that you are not using at the time and turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  • Buy locally grown foods to help reduce the emissions from transporting products and make sure to actually eat the food you buy.
  • Reduce the amount of water you waste.
  • Tell other people about climate change. Learning what you are doing wrong is the only way to find out your mistakes and help solve the problem.

Not only one person can fix climate change, it will take everyone a long time to accomplish this. Greta Thunberg once said, “The moment we decide to fulfill something, we can do anything.” We are the next generation and we will have to live with the consequences of everyone’s actions concerning climate change. We are never too young to make a difference. We must save our Earth because it is the only one we have. 


Noah Listened and Followed Directions

It is very important that we not only listen to God, but we obey His Words too.

by Kosi U.

From studying the story of Noah for the past few weeks, we learn that Noah did not only listen to God’s voice, but he also obeyed God through his actions.

It is one thing to listen, but it is another to actually follow those directions you have been told to follow.

For example, your mother may tell you to put away your phone and read a book. You may have heard your mother’s instructions, but still chose to remain on your phone. In that scenario, you heard what your mother had to say, but you completely ignored her and decided to carry on with what you were doing, even though it was wrong. In a different scenario, your mother gives you the same instructions, but, this time, you put your phone away and read a book, just like your mother had asked. Our life should model the second scenario, when we not only actually listen to what God has to say, but we do our best to follow through with His plans.

Too often, God talks to us and we humans just ignore Him or think that our ways are better. That is not good at all and that behavior can get us into a lot of trouble. Instead, we should put all of our focus on God and be diligent in our obedience because He is the only one who can guide, protect, and reward us for our good work.

We must be different by following God and His Word, even when the rest of the world does not believe.

One of the reasons why the Bible is so important to read because it is filled with many verses and passages that communicate the messages that God wants us to hear.

The Bible is filled with the accounts of many people who obeyed God, even in very difficult circumstances. An example of a person like this is Daniel, and you can read his story in Daniel 6: 1-28. This is a very famous story about Daniel in the lions’ den that many people have heard about. If you have never heard of this Bible story before, I will summarize it so that everyone is familiar with what happened.

The ruler at that time was King Darius and he had been tricked by some very evil people to pass a 30-day decree that said anyone person who prayed to another god or man other than the king would be punished by being thrown into the lions’ den. The main reason why these evil people wanted this made into law was because Daniel rose through political ranks very quickly, and they became jealous so they wanted to get him out of office by using Daniel’s own faith against him. Other people who heard about this new decree followed it immediately and began worshiping and praying to the king because anyone who ended up in a lions den would not survive. Yet, even though Daniel knew of this law, he decided not to conform it and continued worshiping and praying to God 3 times a day, just as he has done his whole life.

The same wicked administrators who tricked King Darius into creating this decree caught Daniel praying to God and reported him to the king. King Darius really cared for Daniel and tried his best to save him, but there was no way the decree could be revoked, so the punishment had to be carried out.

At sundown, they through Daniel into the lions’ den. All throughout the night, King Darius was tossing and turning, unable to sleep. His mind kept wandering to Daniel, thinking that the lions surely would have ate him the minute that he touched the bottom of the den.

At dawn, King Darius ran to the lions’ den to check on Daniel’s state and asked if God had protected him. Daniel replied, “My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in His sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O king.”

Bible verses say that the king was overjoyed that Daniel had survived and knew that there was really a God that could shut the mouths’ of the lions.

Because of all of these events, King Darius had Daniel’s accusers thrown into the den along with their wives and children. They were all eaten immediately by the beasts, before their bodies were even able to hit the floor of the den.

King Darius had come to a very important conclusion and wrote to all of the nations and people of the earth as Daniel 6: 26 -27 says, “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For He is the living God and He endures forever; His kingdom will not be destroyed, His dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”

This Bible story is very famous and extraordinary for many reasons, some of them including the lessons we learn, symbols we find, and characteristics that we should take note of.

Let us focus on the main character of this story, Daniel. He provides a good example of how we should live our lives.

Daniel had a very close relationship with God, he prayed, worshiped, and fellowshipped daily. Daniel knew the Word of God inside out and was rooted deeply in Him. This is why, when Daniel heard about that decree, he didn’t start to panic or feel torn about following the world’s laws or following God’s way. God has ordered us to only worship and pray to Him, not any other man or idol. Daniel knew of God’s commandment, and obeyed it diligently, even when his life was at risk. Daniel’s faith and complete trust in God was evident throughout this entire story.

God was not concerned about the laws’ of man, especially when they undermined His Will. That is why God rewarded Daniel’s faithfulness and complete obedience by sending an angel to protect him, and shutting the mouths’ of the lions.

The world’s judgment does not matter and that is why we should not try to win their approval, but focus only on God because He is the ultimate judge. Daniel said that he was found blameless before God and that is why he was saved from the lions. That goes to show that God is our only source of protection. Let’s say that Daniel did follow the decree of praying only to the king. Sure, he might have escaped earthly punishment and would not need to be thrown in the den, but think about how much trouble he would be in with God. Daniel would have put his eternal life and relationship with God on the line just to please the world. When you think about it, that is not a wise choice at all.

Finally, the lions’ den could be a representation of the world today. The society we live in now is not what it is supposed to be. It is filled with hate, ungodliness, and sin, which is very sad. The world wants you to follow its evil ways, but we as children of God can not afford to follow that type of behavior. We have to be the shining light, bringing people back to God and letting them know of His saving grace. When we choose to be different and stand for God, people may try to chastise and laugh at you. Trying to silence and harm you, even though you are telling them the truth. As hard as it may be, we still need to follow and obey God and He has promised never to leave nor forsake us, as long as we hold onto Him. One of my favorite Bible verses Romans 8:28 says, “ And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Sadly, while there are people in the Bible who are all for God and obey Him, there are some that chose to place their own ways above God’s and ignore His calling.

An example of a person like this in the Bible was Lot’s Wife. You can find this story in Genesis, chapter 19, more specifically verse 26. This whole chapter connects to the bigger story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but I will just quickly explain what happens to Lot’s Wife.

Sodom and Gomorrah, among other cities, were known for people participating in very sinful practices that God can not stand. God had revealed to Abraham that He would destroy those cities with sulfur and fire. Abraham pleaded on behalf of the righteous ones living in these cities and even his own nephew Lot. Because of this, God sent two angels to allow an escape plan for Lot and his family. The angels warned Lot and his family to evacuate the city quickly, and not look back. Genesis 19: 17 clearly states that one of the two angels said,” Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!” Even after this warning, while they fled, Lot’s wife could not resist the urge to look back, and was instantly turned into a pillar of salt.

I feel that the story of Lot’s wife was very important to highlight, because I think it teaches many lessons, they first one being: Do not under any circumstances defy God.

This is the overarching theme of today that is very important to learn. God gives us specific instructions that He expects us to follow for a reason. Though it may seem silly, or not make sense in the moment, we have to have faith in God and obey. Another lesson we learn in this story is not to anger God, especially when He has been so merciful. As we have seen many times, God is very gracious and merciful. In this case, he thought about the people who were faithful to him, Lot’s family, and made a way for them not to be destroyed with the rest of the city. This type of opportunity of life and salvation should cause us to be very thankful and make us careful of not sinning. Still, Lot’s wife defied God’s order and looked back to see what would happen to the city, which caused her to be instantly judged by being turned into a pillar of salt. We have many, many chances of repentance, but that should not give us the signal to keep on dwelling in sin. You never know when you will be judged for your sins or when the rapture will happen. This is why we must be alert and aware at all times, to avoid doing something that can cost us our lives.

Lastly, another point we can draw from this story is the symbolic meaning. The destruction that was occurring at Sodom represents the sinful ways of life and the place that Lot and his family were fleeing to represents salvation from God. To be fully saved and part of God’s Kingdom, you have to keep looking ahead and have full faith in Him. You can’t keep looking in the past, peeking at sinful ways, because that can lead you to committing sinful acts.

Overall, we have learned that being a child of God requires obedience and unwavering faith. Times are very tough, especially in today’s world, but we know that God has given us all that we need to conquer our enemies and to bring more lost sheep back to our shepherded, Jesus Christ. What we need to do is believe in God whole-heartedly and know the the path He is setting us on is for the greater good and that He can never fail.

Noah’s Big Job and The Great Flood

We will be discussing Noah’s Big Job & The Great Flood, along with how the time of Noah before the flood connects to today’s world.

by Kosi U.

When we study the Bible deeper, we begin to see that even though that the events that happened then and what’s happening now are separated by thousands of years, there are still some similarities, especially in the world they take place in.

Last week, we learned about Noah and how he was commanded by God to build an ark so he and his family, along with 2 of each animal species in the world, could be saved from a great flood that would soon destroy the earth. This flood was caused by the huge amounts of sin that people were committing at that time and their complete disregard for God.

Even though people were living their life anyhow and made fun of Noah for spending 120 years building that ark and preaching God’s Word, Noah still continued to obey and trust God for everything because of his complete and utter love and dedication to Him.

This is why Noah, 7 other people, and the rest of the animals on the ark were saved. Noah had also built an altar unto God, after the flood was over to worship and thank God for all that He had done. This pleased God very much and is the reason why God formed a covenant with Noah and all of his descendants saying that He will never again destroy the earth with a flood. This special covenant is symbolized with a rainbow.

The story of Noah’s Ark is probably one of the most important stories in the Bible because it teaches us about obedience, learning to serve and trust God even when the world tries to steer you in the wrong direction, and the great rewards/promises you receive, by following God.

This brings me to my main point today which is to compare today’s world to the day of Noah before the flood.

If you read the story in depth, you will immediately notice a similarity between then and now, which is the amount of atrocities that people were committing. Nobody cared about God or how He felt when these people were doing all these evil things. They took joy in perpetrating these horrible acts, even though, deep down inside, they knew it was wrong. This is exactly what is happening right now. Every time you turn on the news, I am sure you hear about such saddening and shocking events, and you begin to wonder, ” How could people be so evil and cruel?”

The answer is because they let the devil and his evil things replace the spot in their lives the should be reserved for God and Him alone.

What is even more disheartening is that there are children of God trying to warn all of these people of their sins, but most people will not listen and will even take it a step further of ridiculing you if you try to follow the path God has set for you.

We saw this when Noah was building the ark. This ark was not completed in a day or one year, it took Noah and his family 120 years to build! Can you imagine that? During this time, Noah was not only building the ark, but was going around preaching the Word of God and alerting the other citizens of their horrible actions. Sadly, the chose not to listen. Instead, they would do even worse than they have before and they would call Noah all types of names. These people had 120 years to repent of their sins and seek refuge in God, but they kept making the same mistakes over and over again.

Even though it is discouraging to see that people still involve themselves in sinful acts, children of God still need to preach His message, we still have to go out there and tell as many people as we can about Jesus and His Saving Grace.

Noah could have easily decided to disobey God when people would make fun of Him and the fact that there has never been rain up until the flood, nor has anyone seen an ark before. But, if we take a deeper look, we would see that if Noah chose to give up on God and didn’t follow God’s plan, it would have affected future generations. Like I mentioned before, after the flood and after Noah had built the altar to honor God, there was a covenant made between Him, Noah, and future generations. God had promised never to destroy the world with a flood ever again. If Noah decided not to follow God’s path for him, he, along with the rest of his family, would not only perish along with the rest of the world, but God would have had no reason to make that covenant. Meaning that the possibility of God destroying the world again would be left open.

This affects today’s world because God could have easily destroyed the world one million times with the amount of sin that takes place, but, because God always keeps His Word and is faithful, He has not destroyed the earth since that time because of that ever-important covenant.

Like 1 Peter 3: 17 says, “Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!”

We must remember this verse when we are faced with the difficult choice of obeying God or following the world.

Would we rather enjoy our life here on earth by disregarding God, being sinful, and filling or minds with the things of the earth that will soon perish, just to face eternal death in the end, or would we rather have to suffer some ridicule here on earth because we are doing the good work of the Lord and be rewarded with eternal life with God in Heaven above? The obvious choice is to follow God and receive a great reward in the end. This is the same choice Noah had made, and we can see how great it turned out for him!

Another major thing I would like to point out is what the ark and what the flood represents in Noah’s story.

The ark, by the power of God, was Noah’s safety to outriding the flood. These days, Jesus is our refuge. God sent Jesus Christ to earth, so that He can die for our sins so that we all may bridge the gap between our relationship with God that was once caused by sin. 1 Peter 3:18 reinforces this by saying, “Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit.”

Because of the death and resurrection of Christ, we can now repent of our sins and our relationship with God will be transformed and renewed into something better than it was before. Jesus is our ark, He is the one who will help us stay above life’s storms.

The flood in this case represents Jesus’ Second Coming. Everything going on in today’s world is a huge sign that Jesus is coming back soon. Will you ride above the storm and live eternally with God, or will you let the sinful ways of life overpower you? That is a choice that each and every one of us has to make, and, only by the Grace of God, we will make the right decision.

When it seems to hard to obey God and life is weighing you down, just think about all the wonderful things God has done for you, who He is in your life, and how He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you.

God confirms this in Revelation 1:8, “I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.”

It might be tough now, but God has promised us that a wonderful and unimaginable reward awaits us in Heaven, which is everlasting life with Him. All that we must do is repent of all our sins (and be ready to leave our sinful ways in the past), trust, obey, and confide in God at all times.

There is a special plan that God has designed for each and everyone of us. We must be the Noah of our generation, doing God’s Work and preaching the Gospel. The path may seem unclear, but we must have faith in God so that we can reach the final stage of our destinies and fulfill all that God has created us to do, not only to bless our lives, but to bless the lives of others and to positively influence the world and bring them into God’s light.

Noah Obeys God

This article talks about Noah, his ark, and most importantly, his obedience to God.

by Kosi U.

Has there ever been a time in your life where it seemed hard to follow God or obey His commandments? You know what is right and wrong, but everyone else is doing what is not right and you feel like you have to follow. Sometimes God tells us things that seem impossible or unreasonable compared to what is going on in that moment.

But, we have to remember that God’s plans our always better than ours and it will all work together in the end for our own good.

When Noah was faced with an instruction from God, he obeyed.

Many know the story of Noah, but if you don’t that is okay because retelling the story and you can always read in more depth by studying Genesis chapter 6 to chapter 8.

The story of Noah takes place thousands of years ago, even before Christ came to earth!

Sin had entered the world after Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God. This means that every person born in this world has a yearning to sin. At this time specifically, so many people were sinning. They never thought about how bad their actions were or how they were going against God’s Word. In the entirety of the land, there was only one man and his family who reverenced God and that was Noah and his household.

Noah had a very deep and special connection with God because of his utmost obedience.

Sadly, the other people in the world did not want to follow God at all.

It got so bad to the point the God began to regret even creating this earth and was ready to destroy it with a great big flood that will cover the entire world.

Fortunately, Noah found favor with God.

God Himself had told Noah of His plans to destroy the earth and all of the living creatures on it because of their sin and violence. But, God did not want to destroy Noah because of their close fellowship and Noah followed God diligently. So, God came up with a plan to preserve Noah and his family. God gave Noah very specific instructions and they were, “ So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high. Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof an opening one cubit high all around. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks.” And, “…You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.”

Being the person that Noah is, he listened to God and followed His exact words, even the smallest detail.

One important thing to point out is that there has never been rain on the earth before this point in time. People had never seen an ark either. So, you can imagine how people would have thought the Noah was crazy for believing God when nothing like that has never happened. Noah tried telling the people that what they are doing is evil and would bring the wrath of God upon them, but they wouldn’t listen.

God had specifically told Noah to take a male and its mate on the ark so that, when the flood was over, its population would still survive on earth.

The flood would come in 7 days and it would rain heavily for 40 days and 40 nights.

On the day of the flood, Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons entered the ark along with all of the animals and food and God shut them in the ark to preserve them for the period of time that it would rain for.

For the forty days and nights, the waters began to rise higher and higher until it started covering the landscapes, reaching the highest of the mountain peaks, and wiped out every living creature.

Only Noah was left, along with the 7 other people and multitude of animals with him on the ark.

The waters flooded the earth for 150 more days.

God had not forgotten but, instead, remembered Noah, his family, and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and He sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.

At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down and the ark soon came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.

After a little while Noah sent out a dove. If the dove came back, there was still water, but, if the dove didn’t come back, the dove would have found a place to perch, meaning the water would have been completely dried out. Every time Noah would send the dove out, it kept coming back.

Until, one day, Noah sent it out again, and, this time, it returned with a freshly plucked olive branch in its beak! This meant the water had receded. Noah waited 7 more days before sending the dove out again and when the time came, Noah sent out the dove for the final time, but it didn’t return.

A little while later, God said to Noah, “Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it.”

So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives and the creatures on the ark.

You may have thought that the first thing Noah would have done was to plant crops or try building a house for him and his family, but he did something entirely different.

Noah had built an alter unto God, sacrificing some animals. God smelt this very very sweet aroma and in His heart said, “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.

As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.”

This is the very special and important covenant that God made with Noah and all of his descendants. This covenant is represented by a bow in the sky, also known as a rainbow. So whenever you look up into the sky and see a rainbow, make sure to remember this covenant!

There are so many things we can learn from Noah’s story. One of them being to always trust and obey God. Imagine what Noah was going through. God had asked him to build and ark because He would let water flood and wipe out the earth. Like I mentioned before, no one had ever seen rain before this time. And it took 120 years before Noah finished building the Ark! There were so many moments where Noah could have begun to doubt God and disobey especially when others would have made fun of him, but, because of Noah’s deep love, respect, and solid relationship with God, Noah did the right and admirable thing by choosing to follow God instead of others.

Another lesson to learn is that there is no short cuts you should try and take when it comes to God’s work. Again, it took Noah up to 120 years before he finished building the ark. Do you know how long that is?! Noah could have easily tried to find a way to lessen the work whether it was by using materials that God said not to use, by not bringing in all the food and animals asked, or simply by not putting much effort in and doing the work begrudgingly. Noah did not do that though. Instead, he followed God’s commandments exactly as He said them and did them whole-heartedly.

Sometimes in life, when God sends us out on a mission, we tend to start getting upset when it appears to be an inconvenience in our life, or we start grumbling and trying to find short cuts to undermine the tasks God has given us. We should not have that attitude at all. Instead, we should be more like Noah and realize that God is giving us this task for a very special reason. Just think about it, out of the billions of people on this earth, God chose you for this specific plan! Isn’t that amazing? Also, you never know what will be the results by following through God’s plans. For Noah, he and his house hold were persevered when the whole earth was wiped out. For you, it might be new blessings, unlimited protection, the answer to your prayers, and even more!

The one thing to remember is to trust and believe in God because, as Romans 8: 28 says, ” And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

This new-coming week, I am sure we can find many ways in our lives that we can obey God and other important rules set in place.

5 Ways I can Be Obedient This Week:

1.) Making sure to pray throughout the day so I know the direction God wants me to go.

2.) Reading the Bible daily and memorizing important Verses both in my mind and my heart so that I can think of good things.

3.) When God tells me to do something in a certain way, I have to listen to God instead of trying to do it my own way.

4.) Trying to turn on my camera during Spanish class because it is part of school rules for virtual learning.

5.) Making sure to actually do my 30 minutes of reading for Language Arts class because that is what our teacher requests for us to do.

Trusting Jesus Christ, The Only Answer

Jesus is the answer to many of our problems, and is the only way we can make it to Heaven. This is why we should leave our sinful ways, follow Jesus obediently, and put all of our faith in Him.

by Kosi U.

John 14: 6 says, “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus is the answer to many of our problems, to our broken relationship with God, to the questions we have, to making it to Heaven, and so much more.

People in this world may try and trick you by saying, “Jesus isn’t real, you don’t need Him. There are so many other ways to solvong your problems.”

What those people are saying are NOT true at all. Anyone who says that has been blinded from the Truth, God’s Word, and you must warn them about the wrong path they are taking and run away from them before it is too late.

As we can see, things on this earth are uncertain and always will be. Everything could be fine today, and then things will be different tomorrow. The ones that we trust may not always be who they say they are, and the things we may count on won’t always be there.

But, even in the midst of all of this, there is somebody who never changes, and that is Jesus!

He will always be there to guide, protect, and keep us safe. During life’s trials, He reminds us that He is with us through every step and that all things will work together for our good, as long as we love and obey Him just as Romans 28:8 says.

There is one very important thing to remember. If we want Jesus to be the answer to everything in our life, we have to flee from sin. There is no way we can say we are a child of God and still participate in what He hates most, sin.

To truly be His so that He can abide in our hearts, we have to seek repentance, believe in what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us, trust in Him as our personal Savior, and follow Him diligently forever.

Once you do that, Jesus is forever yours and you are forever His.

Like mentioned before, we are all born as sinners. This is a problem because God is Holy and can not stand sin. Humans used to have a beautiful relationship with God where we would fellowship with Him and have such a strong bond. Sadly, sin entered the world, driving a wedge between us and God.

The thing is, God did not give up on us. He wanted to be in our lives and us in Him, so He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins, so our once broken relationship with God could be mended.

Do you know what Jesus also wipes away? Our guilty conscience. There are times where moments from our sinful past replay over and over again in our minds, making us doubt if Jesus really loves us and if our sins are truly wiped away. This is one of the tricks the devil tries to use to make us doubt God and ourselves, but with the help and strength of Christ, we will not fall for that trap.

Jesus already paid the greatest price of all on the cross, we have been forgiven and cleansed of all inequities. There is nothing that God doesn’t know about, so the devil can’t bring out anything from our past that will change God’s mind about us.

Jesus is also the answer to our broken relationship with others, this includes our friends, families, co-workers, and the other people we see.

I am sure that there has been a time where you may have compared yourself to others, wishing you could be them and have what they have. The problem is, this feeling of jealousy isn’t good because it can lead us to doing horrible things against that person. Sometimes, it may not even be jealousy. We may have lied or let out a secret our friend told us we should keep.

In any scenario, those actions are unacceptable and can lead to damaged relationships with those we love most.

Well, I have some good news for you. Jesus mends those broken relationships just like He did for our relationship with God.

Jesus is love, it is who He is and what He shows to everyone. Because of this Jesus is more than capable to restore what has been lost amongst us fellow humans on earth. What we may have done, or what someone has done to us, is never to great that Jesus can’t help heal it. As long as you and the other person are ready to accept Jesus, He will come and work miracles, giving the both of you the heart of understanding, trust, and forgiveness.

While we have people who surround us on a daily basis, there is sometimes an empty feeling. A feeling that makes us question our existence and even why this world was made. Doubts and worries circle our minds, making us believe that there is no way we will ever be able to overcome the obstacles we are currently facing. The plan for our life seems unclear and we begin to lose hope, thinking God has forgotten about us.

That is not true at all! God has never forgotten us and never will. He has designed us as His own, created each and everyone of us for a specific purpose that will influence the world positively.

Things on this earth will never satisfy us completely. We all have that deep longing in our hearts for Christ and the completion of His will in our lives.

When in Jesus, you will begin to notice a different feeling. A feeling of fulfillment, peace, joy, happiness, holiness, thanksgiving, and so much more!

The Everlasting Father is with us at all times and nothing can phase us, not even the problems of this world.

Sometimes, you just want to listen to the news, but what comes on can be very frightening. Whether it is a shooting or violence or the scariness of COVID-19. Even when we see people completely disregarding God and living lives that does not glorify Him.

Again, we must be reminded that we have Jesus on our sides. Nothing that the devil throws at us can overcome us when we are deeply rooted in God and His Word.

In Jesus, we find a safe haven, a ground that is unshakable.

Even after this world, we children of God have a greater place we will go to, Heaven.

I have written an article that goes into more detail about Heaven and Salvation, which you can read here.

As we can see, Jesus is the answer to all we can imagine. What I have mentioned here is only a smal fraction of what He can do.

It is now our job to build a personal and solid relationship with Jesus so that we can grow deeper in Him and learn more about His will and purpose for our lives.

The main Bible Verse for this specific topic is taken from 1 John 1:9 which says,

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”- 1 John 1:9

This Bible Verse perfectly illustrates that those who have recognized that the life they are currently living is sinful and they are ready to repent will be forgiven through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and all impacts that our sin had on our fellowship with God will be totally erased.

No longer will we live in shame or be fearful of the future, but, by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are renewed and restored, united with God, positioned in Him, and part of the Heavenly Kingdom. We can come to God and call Him our Father.

Once Jesus is in our lives, nothing can separate us from the love of God and nothing can break our union with our Living Lord.

Song Of The Week: Before we go, there is a special song I would like everyone to listen to, it is called We All Need Jesus by Daniel Gokey featuring Koryn Hawthorne.
(The link to the song has been pasted within the song title.)

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving up your life so that our sins will be washed away and our once broken relationship with God can be restored. Thank you Lord that You and You alone are the answer to every problem or question we have. Thank you for guiding, protecting, and loving us at all times. We ask you Lord that you give us the strength to be able to recognize who You are in our lives so we can glorify Your Name and live in a way that pleases You. Anything that we may have done that is sinful and wrong, we repent of our wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness. Please help us Lord to be able to make the right choices at all times so we don’t displease You. Once again, we just want to thank you for everything You have done in our lives and the promises You have made regarding us that will soon come to past. We pray that we will continue to find favor with You and people here on this earth and we will do what is right in Your eyes so that when it is all said and done, we will make it to Heaven and live eternally with You, in Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed. Amen.

📚Wattpad Adventures📚

In this blog post, I will be discussing my Wattpad experience so far and my top 3 favorite fanfictions!

Hello everybody!😊

I am really sorry I have not posted any stories/articles to my blog, but I have been really busy with a lot of school assignments and exams.

Luckily, I had enough time to create a blog post today and I will be talking about something very exciting.

I have always wanted to make a Wattpad account, especially because I hear people talking about it so often. That is why, about 2 weeks ago, I decided to finally open one up!

My experience so far has been really positive and I have been able to read 2 completed stories, and I am following along with stories that are still ongoing.

I have also spent a lot of my time searching for different stories and adding them to my library, to enjoy in the future.

One thing I didn’t expect was how addicting Wattpad would become. I have been reading everywhere I go and at any time just so I could see what happens next in the story, and I can’t wait until I get a notification alerting me that the author has written a long awaited update. At least that is a sign of really engaging stories with elements that add new dimensions to the story that aren’t always so predictable.

In my opinion, I feel like Wattpad gets and unnecessary amount of hate. Sure, there are some interesting things, and the stories may not always be the greatest, but, 9 times out of 10, the plots are really intriguing and you build a strong connection with the characters and are so invested, you never want the story to end!

In my reading library, most of the stories are fanfictions about my favorite band, Why Don’t We, or are just some random stories, mostly about dance and school life.

Like I have mentioned before, I have read a lot of stories over the last 2 weeks, and already have some all time favorites!

I will only be sharing 3 stories out of my long list, but I can make a separate post in the future sharing more that I have enjoyed reading, and why I like them.

In no particular order, here is my Top 3 Favorite Fanfiction List (To be clear, this is not a definite list and it can change anytime, especially when I read more fanfics!😀):

1.) Afterglow written by SOLARSYSTM

2.) Kiss You written by GLOSSYAVERY

3.) Oops written by J4EHYUNS

One thing all three of these fanfics have in common is that they are fanfics based off of the band Why Don’t We. The first two are Corbyn Besson fics and the last one is for Zach Herron. It is no surprise since those two are my favorite members of Why Don’t We.

Anyways, let’s get back on track.🤣

Overall I give my Wattpad experience so far a solid 8/10.

Another thing I forgot to mention is the Wattpad community. The people I have met online so far are really nice and super funny. When you read a story, you can leave comments on each story section and, whenever something major happens, I make sure to rush to the comments and read what everyone has to say. Those people are hilarious and crack me up every single time. Some of the things they say are also really relatable and makes you think about how some people could make great friends!

Today’s Blog Post Question: Do you have a Wattpad account, if so what stories do you recommend and which ones did you not enjoy that much?

Well, that brings us to the end of today’s blog post. I hope you guys enjoyed it, see you next time!

(P.S.: Aside from reading stories on Wattpad, I am actually reading a novel too. It is Again, But Better by Christine Riccio. If you don’t already know, the author is a pretty well know BookTuber who goes by polandbananasBOOKS. Hopefully, I can finish the book within this week and write a review about it!😁🤞)

The Free Gift of Salvation and Heaven

Today I will be talking about the free gift of salvation God has given us through the Blood of Jesus Christ and how it will lead us to Heaven.

by Kosi U.

The greatest gift we could ever receive is given unto us by God.

When a gift is given, it is of no cost to the receiver, but the gift is always at cost to the giver.

God paid the greatest price by giving His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us on the cross so that we may be saved from the wages of our sin, death, and so that our relationship with God that was once lost because of sin could be reconciled.

You do not need to do much to accept this precious gift, all you need to do is go before God and repent of all of your sins, recognize Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior, follow, obey, and trust Jesus until the very end.

Once you have done all of these things, and you don’t return to a sinful life, you now become a child of God and can boldly go to Him as your Father.

A very special and indispensable reward is given unto those who chose to follow God. That is the gift of eternal life. Before I discuss more about that, I would like to mention, that salvation does not only happen when you die. Most people think that being saved only means that your sins are washed away, and, even if you die on earth, you will still make it to Heaven. While that is true, the gift of salvation starts working here on earth too. When you become a child of God, the Holy Spirit comes to live and dwell inside of you. From that moment on, the Holy Spirit will guide you, protect you, stop you from sinning, reassure you even when you go through trials, and much more.

Isn’t that amazing!

Now, we will talk more about Heaven. Most people know that God lives in Heaven and that all of His followers with live there with Him eternally too. The thing is, that is all that some people know. While we won’t know every single detail about Heaven until we get there, there are still some things we can learn more about by reading the Bible.

(It is very important to study the Bible on a daily basis, because it is our manual for how to live a Holy life that pleases God, as His children. We can also learn valuable lessons from Bible characters, how to trust God even through life’s storms, and God himself will reveal things to us when we study His Word and pray on it.)

One book of the Bible that I really recommend reading is the book of Revelation. It is here where you can learn about the end time (the final times before Jesus’ Second Coming), multiple prophecies, what Heaven will look like, and much, much more.

Today, we will be reading Revelation to find out more about what Heaven looks like. There are many Bible verses that talk about this, but we will focus on Revelation 21:10-17 and Revelation 22:1-5.

One important thing to know is that, before we actually enter Heaven, our earthly bodies will be taken away and we will be transformed into new creatures, both spiritually and physically. The Holy Spirit will then lead us to the gates of Heaven so that we may enter.

God owns all that is in the world and in Heaven, because of that we can be sure that the place He has prepared for us will be magnificent. This same idea is reinforced when reading Revelation 21:10-17. Because God dwells in Heaven, His glory and light will always remain prevalent. We already know that God is Holy, and because of that, there can be no evil permitted in Heaven, this is why sinners can not dwell with God. This means that, in Heaven, there will be no more death, pain, sicknesses, or suffering. There will be a complete and total eradication of all things bad. Furthermore, we can rest assured that nothing bad or scary will happen to us when we reach Heaven. Instead, there will only be holiness, things of God, and peace.

The Tree of Life in Heaven, will be in the middle of the golden street. There, the fruit of the tree will continuously be in abundance forever more. Everyone will be healed once and for all, no more searching for answers, Heaven will already have all that you need.

Imagine all the gold and diamonds you may have seen in pictures before. Well, Heaven will be filled with and worth so more than that ever imaginable. Filled with God’s glory, Heaven will shine with brilliance, a majestic light brighter than you will ever see. There will be no nighttime or need for a lamp because of God’s shining majesty and glory that will continue to be the light for eternity to eternity. Most of our time spent in Heaven will be worshiping God and praising His Holy name as His children. Just think about how amazing that will be!

Some people worry and may ask, “Will Heaven be able to fit everyone?”

I have an answer for you: Heaven will definitely be able to fit everyone. Jesus once said in the Bible that His Father has prepared a house for you and that He will return a second time to take you. You meaning every single person who believes in Him and has faith. The Bible says The City, Heaven, is laid out in a square, and is wide and high as it is long. When the city is measured, it comes out to be 1,400 miles! Can you believe that?!

Now I am sure you may have many more questions about Heaven, that may not be answered in the Bible, but understand that Jesus has prepared a special place for us, and He will never do anything to hurt us. Any questions you may have will be answered once we get to our eternal destination of Heaven. When things are tough and you feel like giving up, just remember what Jesus did on the cross so that we all may be saved. Think of the joy and peace you will experience, getting to dwell with God forever more, in all His marvelous glory and righteousness.

Dance: A Demanding Sport or an Easy Pastime?

Hello guys! Some of you may not know, but I really love everything related to dance, and I even take ballet classes myself. Many people are constantly debating whether dance is a sport, or just an artform. I decided to write about my opinion on this topic. What do you guys think? I hope you enjoy the article!

by Kosi U.

It has been an ongoing battle in the dance community for many years. Is dance a sport or not? Many argue that dance is a sport because of the physical activities dancers go through to perform so gracefully onstage, while others say that dance is more of an art form and you can’t even win any awards for dancing. Well, that second claim is not entirely true. There are many dance competitions over the globe such as the Prix de Lausanne, an international competition for young dancers, and even the Starbound National Dance Competition which is the largest in America. 

Although dance is an art form, it should not invalidate the incredible amount of athleticism needed to become a performer or competitive dancer. 

Dancers are required to put an intense amount of pressure on their bodies which can lead to injuries and exhaustion, just like football or basketball. According to the John Hopkins Medical Center, common dance injuries include hip, foot, ankle, and knee injuries in addition to stress fractures and the possibility of arthritis. Most of the injuries result from the overuse of muscles, which further empathizes the amount of time dancers spend training. 

A ballerina performing her foot care routine to keep her feet in shape and protected for the rest of the day.

Also, did you know that the amount of energy needed to perform a full dance routine is the same as the energy needed to play 2 full football games or run 18 miles! 

Tampa Buccaneers player Steve McLendon said in an interview that he also takes ballet classes. 

Ballet class taken at the Columbus City Ballet School and Conservatory

“It’s harder than anything else I do,” McLendon told the Pittsburg Post Gazette

In the same article, he had also said that ballet helps to strengthen his knees, ankles, and feet to a great extent that he can even tell when he hasn’t been to classes in a while. If ballet is demanding for a professional football player, imagine how challenging it would be for a regular person like you or me. 

When people think about dance, ballet, in particular, they imagine girls in pink fluffy tutus, twirling around the dance floor. First of all, boys dance too, not just girls. Second of all, dancers only wear tutus in rehearsal and during performances, not in class. Finally, people don’t just twirl around on a stage. There are years of practice and building up techniques involved. If you’ve ever seen any dance videos, you may have observed all of the turns, leaps, kicks, and other intense movements dancers perform. You can’t just go out and attempt to do these moves yourself without any professional instruction unless you want to get hurt. This is why it is key that dancers work with trained professionals and attend daily classes to build their strength, technique, and stamina. 

George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker New York City Ballet in a seasonal tradition at the David H. Koch Theater.

 At the end of the day, dance is a sport and is unique from others because it can still be seen as a beautiful art form. Even at a competition, you have no choice but to admire the artistry of other dancers and how they use their movements to tell a story. By now, we can all see that dance isn’t for the faint of heart and it is physically demanding. Still, a great amount of creativity goes into the creation of dance. 

When we think about dance, it is a special case, both an excruciating sport and a magnificent art form.

The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Ephesians 2: 4-5 “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”

by Kosi U.

Ephesians 2: 4-5 “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”

Hello everybody! Today I will be sharing the Good News which is: The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

During Easter, most of us have fun with our families, eating large feasts, and celebrating. But, we sometimes forget the true meaning, significance, and eternal impact Easter holds.

The first day that starts the celebratory weekend is Good Friday. Before we get to that, I would like to give you a back story to what led up to this momentous event.

Jesus’ main purpose and goal for coming to this earth was to not only preach the Word of God and perform miracles, it was to die on the cross for our sins so that each and every one of us can be saved and we can reform and rebuild our relationship with God that was once gone because of our sins.

We are all sinners and come short of the glory of God.

Originally, God didn’t create us to be disobedient sinners, He created us to have close fellowship with Him and dwell with Him always.

Sadly, sin entered the hearts of man and broke that bond.

In the olden days, before Christ’s crucifixion, people would kill animals such as a lamb or cow after they have sinned and used their blood as an offering to repent and appease God.

No longer do we have to do those types of offerings, now that Jesus paid the price for our sins by shedding His blood on the Cross of Calvary.

Jesus was a very loving man, and still is. He didn’t come to this earth to boast and condemn others. Instead, He was ready to forgive and was humble.

We see this in the Triumphant Entry. That was when Jesus entered Jerusalem. This event was very important because it marked the beginning of the sacrifice Jesus made for us all.

During the Triumphant Entry, “They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!” Just as John 12:13 says.

Now that you hear how people were praising Jesus and worshiping Him as a King, you would think He would be riding on a mighty horse.

Actually, Jesus didn’t ride a horse at all. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey.

The reason why Jesus did not ride on a horse like an earthly king is because Jesus had not come to fight earthly battles, nor did He not come in hatred or anger. Jesus came in peace and love, ready to lay down His life so that we may all be saved from eternal death, the wages of sin.

Sadly, not everyone thought so well of this. The religious leaders at that time were very jealous of Jesus. They thought He was a threat to their religious system and that He couldn’t be the Messiah as He was proclaiming to be.

Some of these religious leaders were outspoken in their dismay for Jesus, while some kept those thoughts in their heart.

Either way, Jesus knew about their evil thinking, but did not let that stop Him.

Another major event leading up to the death and resurrection of Christ we should not forget is the Last Supper.

The Last Supper, was the final meal Jesus shared with all 12 of His disciples before His curcifiction.

It is where Jesus broke the bread, as representation of His body that would be soon beaten and bruised for us. Jesus had also poured red wine and said, in Mark 14: 23-24, “Then He took a cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, and they all drank from it.24 “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,” He said to them.”

Not only did Jesus do this, but He also told all 12 of the disciples that one of them, sitting at that very table, would betray Him.

All of the disciples were saddened and in total disbelief. None of them were able to believe that they could betray Jesus.

If you know what happened, then you would know that Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus by turning in Jesus to the religious rulers’ hands in exchange for money.

(Judas never even got to use that money, because, he realized what he had done too late, so, out of anger at himself, Judas committed suicide.)

Jesus also knew that Judas was the betrayer, but chose not to disclose his identity in front of everyone. This goes to shows that Jesus is very forgiving and gave Judas many chances to realize what he is doing is wrong and to repent.

But, Judas betraying Jesus was all a part of God’s plan, so it had to be done.

Now that the time of Jesus’ arrest was nearly at hand, Jesus decided to travel to a place named the Garden of Gethsemane, along with His disciples (minus Judas), to pray.

In these moments, we see Jesus experiencing grief and sorrowing, hoping that the future didn’t have to carry out. Still, in Mark 14:36, Jesus prays, “36 “Abba, Father,” He said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

Jesus’ prayer here is an example of what ours’ should look like.

Most of the time, when praying, we completely ignore God and come before Him with a list of demands dictating how we want things to go.

First of all, prayer should be a two way conversation. We talk to God in a humble and respectful manner, and God talks to us too.

Second of all, we should be praying for God’s will to be done in our lives.

God is omnipresent omniscient, and omnipotent, He knows the past, future, and present. Our lives are in God’s hands and He loves us very much and knows what is best for us. Our job is to have faith and trust in Him and pray that His will be carried out in our lives. Things may look tough and uncertain at first, but we should believe that everything will work out in our favor.

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

Jesus knew in great detail, about all the events that have and will happened, including His death. Can you imagine all the pressure and the crushing weight of the world He most have been under? I am sure you can’t imagine, but what we can learn is that Jesus continued to express a willingness to allow God to continue with His plans. Something we should all exhibit in our daily lives.

Soon, the religious leaders and Roman soldiers came to the place where Jesus and the disciples were.

They found Jesus, arrested Him, and took Him away.

After being tried, Jesus was found guilty of saying He was the Messiah and that is when they started to persecute Jesus. (Even though He did nothing wrong.)

The place Jesus would be crucified was on a mountain called the “skull” when translated in English. On the way, the soldiers would flog, beat, and spit on Jesus mercilessly. They even taunted Him and put a crown of thrones on His head.

Upon all of that, Jesus was forced to carry His own cross. Jesus was barely able to stand up (that is how badly beaten He was), so someone else had to help carry His cross.

Once they finally got on the mountain, the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross still jeering and beating Him even though blood and water was bursting out of His body.

People in the crowd were saying, “‘So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, come down from the cross and save yourself!”

They didn’t understand the reason why Jesus had to be crucified.

At noon, darkness began to cover the land.

Jesus cried out, “‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” Meaning, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Right before breathing His last breath, Jesus cried, “It is finished!” And died.

At that very moment, a very strong earthquake swept the land, and the curtain separating God from the people in the temple tore in two.

One of the soldiers, there at the place where Jesus died, said, ” ‘Surely this man was the Son of God!’”

Jesus was then taken down from the cross, wrapped from head to toe in linen with burial spices and placed in a tomb with a large stone rolled in front of it.

You many be wondering, “Why would you tell me all of this if Jesus was just going to die in the end?”

But, a miracle, something that will forever change the entire world happened on the third day.

Jesus rose from the dead!

For the next forty days, before His ascension to Heaven, Jesus stayed with His disciples and His fellow supporters, continued to show love, mercy, forgiveness, and always preached the Word of God.

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity and it gives us faith, hope, healing, deliverance, restoration, and salvation.

Even though Jesus was beaten, spitted upon, and nailed on the cross, it is still referred to a Good Friday.

That doesn’t sound so good, but the reason why we call it Good Friday is because, even though Jesus died on that day, it was the start of a miracle.

While Jesus was in the tomb, He was fighting with the devil to get the authority back from the devil, so that Jesus can reclaim that power and deliver back unto all who believe and dwell in Him.

Jesus won that battle and on the third day rose from the dead, while both providing salvation for all and conquering death.

Isn’t that amazing!

We thank God for sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us on the cross, so that we may have a chance to be made right with God and build a relationship with God, and live eternally with Him.

Just imagine the great amount of love that Jesus has for us to be able to do that.

This is why it is important that we strive to run away from all sort of sin.

If we continue in sinful ways, it is like we are nailing Jesus back to the cross even after He laid down our lives for us, which I am sure we don’t want to do anything that will make Him sad.

Once again, Jesus if full of forgiveness and love. Meaning that even if you have lived a life full of sin, it is not too late to repent. Jesus will always accept you and bring you into His family.

Please, if you have not already done so, give your life to Christ so you can be set free from the bondage of sin, build a relationship with God, and reign eternally with Him.

Let us say a prayer:

In Jesus Name, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Thank you Lord for loving us so much that you sent down Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins so that we may be made new and have a chance of eternal life with You.

Thank you Lord because even when times are lonely and tough, you are always with us and show us the way to go.

If there is anything we may have done that is sinful and nails you back to the cross again, we ask that you forgive us and cleanse us with your Precious Blood, in Jesus Mighty Name.

Shine your light on us so that we may fulfil our destinies and make a positive impact in this world so that all glory can be given back unto You.

Keep Your Word planted firmly in us so that we may not fall of the path, but continue in the way You have set for us.

Give us the strength and power to follow your will, not ours, and to be obedient to Your Word.

Lord, anyone who is praying along with this prayer and is ready to give their lives to You, we pray that You accept them into Your family, turn them away from their sinful ways, make them into new creatures, and give them the strength to follow you diligently so that when all is said and done, we will all make it into Your Eternal Kingdom.

When the devil comes and tries to attack us and remind us of our sinful past lives, Lord, we ask that we shall not fall for the devil’s lies, but, instead, look unto you for help and allow us to remember your voice that says we are safe with you and you have a set purpose in our lives that will never fail.

We ask that you will be our defense and shield in all parts of our lives, clearing our way of all obstacles and derails.

Once again, we just want to thank you for what You have done on the cross. Setting us free from death and empowering us again as your children.

To You be all the glory and honor forevermore in Jesus Might Name we have prayed.


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